Spacecraft in Sun’s Backyard Unravels the Origins of Interplanetary Dust
When these particles collide with Earth’s atmosphere, they develop meteors, much better called shooting stars, as the (usually) tiny pieces vaporize and leave flaming trails via the air. When they ram astronauts, they can puncture openings precede suits– or worse. Comprehending the resources as well as patterns of this interplanetary dust is, for that reason, significant to NASA, as it prepares for missions to the moon, Mars, as well as past.
Throughout its transformations around the sun, the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft, the mission going closer to the sun than anything in the spacefaring background, is pounded by these dirt particles. When crashing onto the spacecraft, the tiny grains– some as little as a ten-thousandth of a millimeter throughout– vaporize and launch a cloud of electrically billed bits that can be discovered by FIELDS, a collection of instruments created to discover magnetic and electric fields.
A pair of documents releasing today in the Planetary Science Journal use FIELDS information to take an up-close look at the “zodiacal cloud,” the cumulative term for these small bits.
” Every solar system has a zodiacal cloud, and also we get to explore ours and also comprehend exactly how it functions,” stated Jamey Szalay, an associate study scholar in astrophysical scientific researches at Princeton, the lead writer on one of the papers. “Understanding the development as well as dynamics of our zodiacal cloud will certainly permit us to much better understand every zodiacal observation we have seen around any other solar system.”
The zodiacal cloud scatters sunlight in a way that can be seen with the naked eye, however just on dark, clear nights, as moonlight or light from cities both quickly outshine it. Thickest near the sun and thinnest near the sides of the solar system, the zodiacal cloud looks smooth to the nude eye, but infrared wavelengths reveal bright streaks and ribbons that can be traced back to their origins: comets and asteroids.
With records from Parker’s first six orbits, in addition to computer modeling of the particle motion in the internal solar system, Szalay and his colleagues separated those ribbons and streaks to reveal a couple of different populations of dust in the zodiacal cloud: the slight grains ever-so-slowly circling in towards the sun over thousands to millions of years, known as alpha-meteoroids; and then, as the churning cloud gets denser, the larger grains collide and create ever-smaller fragments called beta-meteoroids that are eventually pushed far from the sun by the pressure from sunlight.
Yes, sunlight
And not just pushed a little, either. “When a fragment gets small enough, radiation pressure– solar light– is powerful enough to blow it out of the solar system,” Szalay said.
” The presence of such minuscule grains was continuously reported from specialized spacecraft dust measurements in the zone between Earth and Mars, but never in the internal solar system where these particles were believed to originate,” said Harald Krüger, a zodiacal dust specialist with the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research and a co-author on Szalay’s study. “Thus, the FIELDS instrument offers a new window to study these solar light-driven dust particles near to their original region.”
FIELDS also spotted a thin stream of particles that appeared to be released from a discrete source, forming a fragile structure in the zodiacal dust cloud. To understand this third component, Szalay went back to the beginnings of the zodiacal dust: asteroids and comets.
Comets, dust-filled snowballs touring through our solar system in long, elliptical orbits, eject ample amounts of dust when they get near enough to the sun to start vaporizing their ice and dry ice. Asteroids, small and large rocks orbiting the sun between Mars and Jupiter, launch dust when they collide. A portion of these grains is bashed off in any direction. However, many are entrapped in the orbits of their parent body, explained Szalay, indicating that throughout thousands of orbits, a comet’s path becomes more like a gravel road than a clear path with a single gleaming orb and a bright trail. (Over millions of orbits, the grains will scatter beyond their orbital track, blending into the zodiacal background cloud.).
Szalay refers to these dust-strewn paths as “tubes” of asteroidal or cometary debris. “If Earth passes over that tube in any place, we get a meteor shower,” he said.
He theorized that the Parker Solar Probe may have journeyed through one of these. “Perhaps there is a thick tube that we just could not have observed differently aside from by Parker flying through and getting sandblasted by it,” he said.
However, the tubes closest to Parker’s route did not appear to have enough material to trigger the data spike. So Szalay offered another theory. Perhaps one of these meteoroid tubes– likely the Geminids, which each December cause one of Earth’s most intense meteor showers– was colliding at high speeds against the internal zodiacal cloud itself. The shocks between the tube and zodiacal dust could generate large amounts of beta-meteoroids that do not blast off in arbitrary directions but are fixated into a slender group of paths.
“We have dubbed this a ‘beta-stream,’ which is a new contribution to the area,” Szalay said. “These beta-streams are presumed to be an integral physical process at all circumstellar planetary disks.”.
” One of the important aspects of this particular article is the fact that Parker Solar Probe is the first spacecraft that reaches so close to the Sun that it enters the regions where mutual particle collisions are frequent,” said Petr Pokorný, a zodiacal cloud modeler with NASA and the Catholic University of America, who was a co-author on Szalay’s paper. “Mutual particle collisions are crucial not solely in our solar system but in every exosolar system. This article provides the modeling community a special insight into this previously uncharted territory.”.
” Parker essentially experienced its own meteor shower,” Szalay said. “It either flew through one of those tubes of material, or it flew through a beta-stream.”.
The stream was also spotted by Anna Pusack, next an undergraduate at the University of Colorado-Boulder also found it. “I saw this wedge-like shape in my data, and my advisor, David Malaspina, suggested I present the work to Jamey,” she said. “The wedge shape seemed to indicate a powerful spray, or what Jamey called a beta-stream in his new models, of little particles hitting the spacecraft in a very aimed manner. This was astounding for me to connect the data I had examined to theoretical work done across the country. For a young scientist, it stimulated all the excitement and possibility that can originate from collaborative work.”.
Pusack is the head author on the paper being published collectively with Szalay’s. “These papers do go hand in hand,” she said. “The data sustain the models, and the models aid clarify the data.”.
” This is a remarkable contribution to our knowledge of the zodiacal cloud, the near-sun dust environment more broadly, and the dust risks to NASA’s Parker Solar Probe mission,” said David McComas, a professor of astrophysical sciences at Princeton University and the vice president for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, who is the principal investigator for ISʘIS, another instrument onboard Parker Solar Probe, and for the upcoming Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) mission.
“Collisional Evolution of the Inner Zodiacal Cloud” by J.R. Szalay, P. Pokorný, D.M. Malaspina, A. Pusack, S.D. Bale, K. Battams, L.C. Gasque, K. Goetz, H. Krüger, D.J. McComas, N.A. Schwadron, and P. Strub, 9 September 2021, Planetary Science Journal.
DOI: 10.3847/PSJ/abf928
“Dust Directionality and an Anomalous Interplanetary Dust Population Detected by the Parker Solar Probe” by A. Pusack, D.M. Malaspina, J.R. Szalay, S.D. Bale, K. Goetz, R.J. MacDowall, and M. Pulupa,, 9 September 2021, Planetary Science Journal.
DOI: 10.3847/PSJ/ac0bb9
The research was supported by NASA (NNN06AA01C, 80NSSC21K0153) and the European Space Acency (4000106316/12/NL/AF – IMEX).
The FIELDS experiment on the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft was designed and developed under NASA contract NNN06AA01C.