
La Conexión de la Sociología con Otras Ciencias

La Sociología es un área tan significativamente variable que restringir su comprensión a un par de palabras sería una injusticia para ella. Forma parte de las numerosas ciencias sociales que se ocupan del hombre y sus empresas en la sociedad. Por el contrario, las otras ciencias son la historia, la geografía, la filosofía, la...

Nativism: What is and How it Affects Society

The caricature depicts how nativism affected minority ethnic groups in the United States. Credit: Angelo LopezThe idea of nativism is anti-migrantNativism describes the restoration of native culture, especially contrary to acculturation.According to Myron Weiner, nativism is a kind of ethnic politics. It is a kind of ethnic originality that attempts to reject those...

The Function of Colonial Division of Labor in Development Project

French caricature (from 1885): German chancelor Bismarck divides the African continent among the colonial powers. Credit: AKG/Picture AllianceThe concept of development was presented in the colonial age. The European countries started to colonize the 'non-European' countries. Philip McMichael defines colonialism as" the subjugation through physical and psychological tactics of one culture by another- a...

Secularism and Its Effects on Modern-Day India

The ilustration reprents the separation from the State and the Church. Credit: RUBÉN ALEJANDRO MOREROThe early man, inspecting the events of nature, was determined to seek an explanation. Curiosity regarding the natural phenomenon, in addition to the wish to regulate them, drove our forefathers to refuge under the belief of a supernatural power, which...