
It’s Good to Be Beautiful: Beauty Gives Moral Value

New research shows a moral predisposition favoring beautiful people and things"The Moral Influence of Beauty: Examining the Role of Aesthetics in Ethical Decision-Making"Picture a room crowded with a large selection of creatures and items-- baboons, butterflies, Botticelli paintings, and more. If a tragedy struck, leading to an immediate evacuation of the room, how would...

Is Mansa Munsa the Richest Man in History?

Ilustration of Mansa Musa's caravan. Credit: SutoriAmazon founder Jeff Bezos is the wealthiest man on the planet, according to the 2019 Forbes billionaires' list released in March 2019. He is the richest man in contemporary history with a fortune of approximately $131bn (₤ 99bn). However, he is in no way the wealthiest man to...

The Purpose of the Pickelhaube Helmet

Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany (center), wearing a Pickelhaube, inspects troops during World War. Credit: Library of CongressGermany's Pickelhaube helmet, distinguished by a sole spike jutting directly from its top, became a symbol of Prussian militarism in the early 20th century. At first look, the unusual spike seems to have served no rational function--...

Open Acess: The Future of Academia?

Plans to measure the impact of historical research academia as if it were a science will undoubtedly mean fewer history books that delight the general reader.The kind of history books that delight most readers probably incorporate original research with elegant, easily accessible prose: possibly a book such as Christopher Clark's The Sleepwalkers or Lyndal...

The Morality of Modern Medicine

Credit: European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthcareThe rise of laboratory science in the late 19th century placed a sharp focus on the moral value of medical innovation.'Modern medical science has offered us a choice where there was once none.' So stated John Simon at the International Medical Congress in London...

Study of Neanderthal Teeth Grooves Reveals Evidence of Prehistoric Dental Care

Three views of the four articulated teeth making up KDP 20. a. occlusal view showing lingually placedmesial interproximal wear facet on P4 (arrow) and buccal wear on M3; b. lingual view showing a mesiallyplaced interproximal wear facet on P4 (arrow), chips from lingual faces of all teeth and rotated, partiallyimpacted M3; c. buccal view...

The QE Ratchet

When it comes to quantitative easing (QE), where you stand most definitely relies on where you rest. That is among the final thoughts of the brand-new critical report of the Economic Matters Board of the UK. House of Lords.The record offers a superb survey of how it is that central banks currently use their...

Why China and the USA Aren’t Cooperating on COVID-19?

The Impact of US-China Relations on Pandemic Cooperation: From SARS to COVID-19Intergovernmental cooperation between the United States and China was an essential part of the fight against Extreme Intense Respiratory System Syndrome (SARS) in 2003. However, a significant partnership to battle COVID-19 is about to happen. The state of US and China bilateral connections...

Will Central Bank Digital Currencies Doom Dollar Supremacy?

Some state that the issuance of central bank electronic currencies will change the worldwide financial status quo by eroding the US dollar's dominance of cross-border payments and considerably reducing transaction prices. However, this is not mosting likely to occur.The Dollar's Enduring Dominance: 50 Years Since the Collapse of Bretton WoodsAugust 13-15 marks the 50th...