
Topología de los Electrones con Gafas 3D

Crédito: UnsplushSe considera que los materiales cuánticos topológicos son una perspectiva prometedora para la electrónica de bajo consumo y la tecnología avanzada del futuro. Una de sus características más destacadas es la capacidad de conducir electrones polarizados por espín en su superficie, a pesar de no ser conductores en su parte interior.Para entender mejor...

Nuevo Tipo de Energía Hidroeléctrica es Cada Vez Más Popular

La central hidroeléctrica de bombeo de Rocky Mountain es propiedad de Oglethorpe Power Corp. Fuente - Thomson200. Dominio públicoLa energía hidroeléctrica por bombeo, un tipo de acumulación de energía hidroeléctrica, está ganando popularidad a gran velocidad en todo el mundo como nueva tecnología. A distinción de la imagen tradicional de la energía hidroeléctrica, asociada...

Weinberg: Transformación en Física y Físicos

Cómo Steven Weinberg Transformó la Física y los FísicosSteven Weinberg, quien falleció el 23 de julio. Superó a la física teórica en el segundo cincuenta por ciento del siglo XX. Pensó firmemente que armado solo con los principios esenciales de la relatividad y la mecánica cuántica, el físico teórico podría examinar todos los fenómenos...

Researchers Validate the Theory That Neutrinos Shape the Universe

Density distribution of neutrinos (left) and dark matter (right) in the cosmic large-scale structure. While the neutrinos move fast and look diffuse, dark matter distribution composes cosmic webs such as filamentary structure.A research group consisting of Kavli IPMU Principal Investigator Naoki Yoshida has, in a world first, succeeded in carrying out a 6-dimensional simulation...

Ultracold Quantum Fragments Break Timeless Symmetry

Numerous phenomena of the environment evidence balances in their vibrant advancement, which aid scientists to much better comprehend a system's internal mechanism. In quantum physics, however, these symmetries are not always achieved. In laboratory trying outs ultracold lithium atoms, scientists from the Facility for Quantum Dynamics at Heidelberg College have proven for the very...

Radiography Reveals Microjet Development

Scientists Use Radiography to Comprehend the Development of Fluid and Strong MicrojetLawrence Livermore National Research Laboratory (LLNL) scientists have experimentally evaluated the forecasts of a 2020 study that computationally explored the effect of melting on shock-driven metal microjet. That earlier work anticipated that thawing the base material does not always result in a significant...

Metal Oxide Openness: New Concept

A Brand-New Concept to Describe the Openness of Metal OxidesThe electrons of some metal oxides, due to their vast effective mass when combined with the ionic lattice of the material, can not comply with the electric field of light and allow it to pass through the material. Transparent and conductive materials are made use...

A Brand-New Concept of Superconductivity

A scientist from the Division of Quantum Condensed Issue Physics at the College of Tsukuba has developed a new concept of superconductivity. Based on the estimation of the 'Berry connection,' this version assists in discussing new experimental outcomes much better than the current concept. The work might enable future electrical grids to send out...

Introduction to Particle Physics

Fragment ZooFor much of the first fifty percent of the twentieth century, physics thought were just three fundamental particle: the acquainted proton, neutron, and electron. By the mid 1960s, nevertheless, that image had altered. Improvements to a particle accelerator and detector innovation had given way to exploring a seemingly unlimited listing of new...