Ciencia Aplicada

Antibodies Shield Against Alphaviruses

Scientists Identify Antibodies that Might Safeguard Against AlphavirusesScientists at Washington College Institution of Medication in St. Louis have determined two antibodies that protect animals from disease brought on by alphaviruses. The antibodies helped every alphavirus checked, suggesting they possibly can create the basis of treatments or serve as a theme for universal vaccination.Rising Concerns:...

Arctic Microbes Biodegrade Diesel and Oil

Marine Microorganisms in Canadian Arctic Capable of Biodegrading Diesel and OilMarine bacteria in the icy waters of the Canadian Arctic are capable of biodegrading oil and also diesel fuel, according to a brand-new study released in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, a journal of the American Society for Microbiology.Genomic sequencing exposed unexpected potential for hydrocarbon...

Fasting Guards Against Foodborne Infections

micBeneficial Gut Bacteria. Credit: Darryl Leja, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, NIHFasting May Protect Against Infections From Foodborne Diseases Such As SalmonellaFasting before and during exposure to Salmonella enterica microorganisms protects mice from developing a full-on infection, partially as a result of changes in the pets' digestive tract microbiomes, according to a new...

Neuromorphic Chip Detects Biosignals

The neuromorphic chip reliably and precisely detects high-frequency oscillations in previously recorded intracranial EEG. Credit: UZH, ETHZ, USZNeuromorphic Chip: Artificial Neurons Identify Biosignals in Real TimeScientists from Zurich have created a portable, energy-efficient gadget made from synthetic nerve cells that can decoding brainwaves. The chip uses information videotaped from the brainwaves of epilepsy patients...

The 2000 Year Old Greek Astronomical Calculator: Experts Recreate a Mechanical Cosmos for the Globe’s First Computer

Cosmos Display at the front of the Antikythera Mechanism, showing the positions of the Sun, Moon, and five planets as well as the phase of the Moon and the nodes of the Moon. Credit: © 2020 Tony FreethResearchers at UCL have fixed a significant piece of the challenge that makes up the ancient Greek...

Brain Memory Signals Connected to Blood Glucose Levels in New Research

A set of brain signals known to assist memories form may additionally influence blood glucose levels, finds brand-new research in rats.Researchers at NYU Grossman College of Medicine discovered that a strange signaling pattern in the brain area called the hippocampus, connected by previous studies to memory development, likewise affects the metabolic process, the procedure...

Researchers Discover “Gorditas” and Other Unheard Types of Brain Cells

The newly described oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (green) contact long-distance neuronal axons (magenta) on the wall of the brain ventricles.According to a study published June 20 in Science, scientists discovered two types of glial cells in the brains of adult mice - an astrocyte and an oligodendrocyte progenitor cell - after pushing neural stem cells to...

MIT Programs Memories in Microbes via DNA Editing

MIT researchers have devised a way to program memories into bacterial cells by rewriting their DNA more efficiently. Credit: MIT News, iStockphotoMIT Researchers Devised a Means to Program Memories Into Microbial Cells by Revising Their DNAOrganic engineers at MIT have created a brand-new way to edit bacterial genomes successfully and program memories right into...

Brain Neurotransmitters Predict Math Ability

Scanning was completed both during Time 1 and Time 2 (approximately 1.5 years later) in each of the 5 age groups (6-year-olds, 10-year-olds, 14-year-olds, 16-year-olds, and 18+-year-olds). Credit: Zacharopoulos G, et al., 2021, PLOS Biology, CC-BY 4.0The neurotransmitters GABA and glutamate have complementary functions - GABA inhibits neurons, while glutamate makes them extra active. Published...

Intestinal Microbes Can Help Reverse Brain Aging

Research from APC Microbiome Ireland (APC) at University College Cork (UCC) published August 9, 2021, no leading international scientific journal Nature Aging, presents a new approach to reversing aspects of brain deterioration and cognitive function related to mid-ageing of the microbes in the intestine.Microbe-Based Interventions: A Promising Approach to Reverse Brain Deterioration in Mid-AgeingAs...