
El “Nacimiento Virginal” De Un Cocodrilo Es El Primero En Los Libros De Historia De La Ciencia

Imagen de un cocodrilo. Crédito: Ray Bilcliff/ PexelsHistóricamente se han contado historias de nacimientos vírgenes, que consisten en la producción de crías sin fertilización. Algunos ejemplos de estas historias son el nacimiento de Marte, un antiguo dios romano, Horus, un antiguo dios egipcio, y Qi, una personaje de la antigua mitología china, de los...

Tiburones Martillo, la Primera Especie de Peces que Mantiene la Respiración

La imagen ilustra a un tiburón martillo festoneado joven (Sphyrna lewini) en las proximidades de la superficie del océano, cerca de Hawai, con la boca y las branquias visiblemente abiertas. Crédito: Biosphoto/AlamyEl tiburón martillo gigante (Sphyrna lewini) ha adquirido una peculiar adaptación para conservar el calor corporal mientras caza en profundidades gélidas. Para potenciar...

The Warming Climate is Triggering Animals to ‘Shapeshift’

Environment change is not only human trouble; pets have to adjust to it too. Some "warm-blooded" pets are shapeshifti and getting more giant beaks, legs, and ears to manage their body temperatures better as the planet obtains hotter. Bird scientist Sara Ryding of Deakin College in Australia explains these modifications in a review released...

Tiger Coastline Study Discloses Tiger Sharks Have Social Preferences for One Another

Researchers at the University of Miami Rosenstiel College of Marine and Atmospheric Science (UM) and the Institute of Zoology at the Zoological Society London (ZSL) discovered that tiger sharks often thought about a particular nomadic species, are social animals, having preferences for each other.A first of its kind, the study additionally evaluated if exposure...

Species Extinction Monitoring Amid Climate Change

Perfect Bush-crow and Swallow habitat in Ethiopia. Credit: Andrew BladonMonitoring Species Condemned to Extinction May Assist Conservationists Save Others as Worldwide Temperature Levels IncreaseThe White-tailed Swallow, Hirundo megaensis, and Ethiopian Bush-crow, Zavattariornis Stresemann, live in 'weather lifeboats' with their small ranges restricted on all sides by temperature level as well as rains...

Giraffes: Complex Social Species

A mother Rothschild’s giraffe tending to her baby. The photo was taken in Soysambu Conservancy, in the Rift Valley region of Kenya. Giraffes are attentive mothers to their offspring, and all female adults in a group are invested in each others’ offspring. Credit: Zoe MullerEvidence That Giraffes Are an Extremely Socially Complex Species -...