
Genes influyen en elecciones alimentarias

Crédito: Unsplash.Los Investigadores Detectan Genes Que Influyen Directamente En Nuestras Elecciones AlimentariasLa investigadora Joanne Cole, profesora adjunta del Departamento de Informática Biomédica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Colorado, declaró que se han identificado genes relacionados con las vías sensoriales, como el gusto, el olfato y la textura, que también pueden...

Infecciones Espaciales: Vulnerabilidad Revelada

Astronauta en el espacio. Crédito: Unsplash.Expresión Genética Modificada: Revelando La Vulnerabilidad A Las Infecciones En Viajes EspacialesEn el mundo exterior a la Tierra, la ausencia de gravedad supone un riesgo importante para el bienestar de los astronautas, sobre todo durante misiones prolongadas. Comprender la respuesta del cuerpo humano al entorno espacial es esencial para...

Mantenimiento de Inversión Cromosómica Antigua

Los insectos palo, Timema knulli, en una rama de secuoya. El genetista evolutivo de la Universidad Estatal de Utah Zach Gompert y sus colegas estudiaron una inversión cromosómica en esta suerte e informan de sus hallazgos en la edición en línea del 12 de junio de 2023 de PNAS. Crédito: Moritz Muschick.Combustible Evolutivo: Los...

Russian Scientists Investigate the Immune Response to COVID

Russian Scientists Investigate the Immune Response to COVID Variations (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Trace, Kappa and Lambda)The continuing development of new SARS-CoV-2 anomalies allows the virus to spread more effectively and also avert antibodies. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether brand-new strains can escape T-cell immunity - one of the body's...

CRISPR-Based DNA Tech: Game-Changer in Diagnostics

Lead author, Karl Barber with a PICASSO microarray. Credit: Karl Barber, Schmidt Science FellowsNew DNA Modern Technology Based on CRISPR Can Reinvent Medical DiagnosticsResearchers have repurposed the genetic modification innovation CRISPR to identify antibodies in-person blood examples in an action that can influence a new class of medical diagnostics along with a host of...

Asexual Invasives: Unique Environmental Adaptations

A Naupactus cervinus weevil, a common, yet invasive species in many parts of the world, is seen eating a leaf. Credit: Courtesy of Analia Lanteri/Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de La Plata, ArgentinaWithout Evolutionary Genetic Variation, Asexual Invasive Species Discover New Techniques of Adjusting to Their EnvironmentResearch from Wellesley University reveals that despite...

MIT Programs Memories in Microbes via DNA Editing

MIT researchers have devised a way to program memories into bacterial cells by rewriting their DNA more efficiently. Credit: MIT News, iStockphotoMIT Researchers Devised a Means to Program Memories Into Microbial Cells by Revising Their DNAOrganic engineers at MIT have created a brand-new way to edit bacterial genomes successfully and program memories right into...

Calling Through the DNA Cord

Illustration. Credit: Yuval Robichek, Weizmann Institute of ScienceCalling Through the DNA Cord: A Recently Discovered Genetic "Switch Over."Healthy proteins can connect through DNA, performing a long-distance dialogue that functions as a type of genetic "switch," according to Weizmann Institute of Scientific research scientists. They located that the binding of healthy proteins to one website...

GMO Trees: Carbon Absorption Solution

Lead Image © Mulderphoto / Adobe StockGenetically modified trees are seen as a solution by these scientists to absorb excess carbon in the world.In grade school, Charles DeLisi had his first indication of changes in the environment. He lived in a very wooded area, with trees filling his neighborhood, which was very fortunate...