
Agujeros Negros Medianos Expulsan Estrellas

Impresión artística de una estrella desgarrada por un agujero negro de masa intermedia, rodeada por un disco de acreción. Crédito de la imagen: Hubble / NASA / ESA / M. Kornmesser.Elusivos Agujeros Negros de Masa Intermedia Atacan las Estrellas y Expulsan su ContenidoDe acuerdo con los especialistas espaciales, existe la posibilidad de que...

Hubble Captura la Galaxia Energética NGC 547

Galaxia NGC 547. Crédito: NASA, ESA, J. Blakeslee (NOIRLab - (AZ)), y W. Sparks (SETI Institute); Procesado: Gladys Kober (NASA/Universidad Católica de América).La galaxia elíptica NGC 547 se encuentra en la constelación de Cetus, a una distancia de unos 250 millones de años luz de la Tierra. Esta Galaxia es el objeto de una...

Lab on ExoMars: Searching for Martian Life

Chemistry Lab on ExoMars Vagabond Will Look For Evidence of Life on MarsA worldwide group of scientists has produced a tiny chemistry lab for a vagabond that will pierce below the Martian surface area, trying to find signs of previous or existing life. The toaster oven-sized laboratory, called the Mars Organic Particle Analyzer or...

Astrophysicists Detect an Exoplanet With the Ability To Form Moons

This image, taken with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), in which ESO is a partner, shows wide (left) and close-up (right) views of the moon-forming disc surrounding PDS 70c, a young Jupiter-like planet nearly 400 light-years away. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)/Benisty et al.New high-resolution observations reveal a Moons-forming area around exoplanet PDS 70c. The...

The Elusive Planet Mercury Spotted at its ‘Greatest Elongation’ from the Sun

See Venus and the first-quarter moon, as well!Mercury, Venus and the first-quarter moon — along with the stars Spica and Arcturus — will appear to form a straight line in the evening sky on Sept. 13, 2021. This sky map shows the view from New York City at approximately 7 p.m. local time. Credit: SkySafari appMercury...

The Life and Death of Our Solar System: The Stardust Genesis

How did it all start?This image maps the cooler infrared emission from interstellar dust found throughout the interstellar medium. NASA/JPL-CaltechAs humanity has rolled in beyond into space, we have come to learn a great deal even more concerning the lifecycle of the solar system.From a collapsing cloud of gas into an all-new star to an...

Cosmic Rays – From Supernova Remnants and Pulsars – May Be the Secret to Understanding Galactic Dynamics

via GIPHYFast cosmic rays originating from supernova residues and pulsars most likely influence galactic dynamics and star development far more than previously recognized.Cosmic rays are charged subnuclear particles that move close to the speed of light, regularly raining down on the Earth. These particles are relativistic, as defined by Albert Einstein's special relativity, and...

Spacecraft in Sun’s Backyard Unravels the Origins of Interplanetary Dust Researchers working with data from NASA's Parker Solar Probe set up the most complete photo yet of the internal structure and behavior of the big cloud of space dust, referred to as the zodiacal cloud, that swirls throughout the solar system. They identified three dust populations in the cloud. A lot of the grains...

Supernova Requiem: Rerun of Enormous Blast From Exploding Star Expected To Appear in 2037

Titan Galaxy Cluster Magnifies the Light from a Distant Supernova and Splits It into Multiple ImagesIndividuals over the centuries have not been reluctant to make forecasts concerning the future. However, a few of them should have maintained their projections to themselves. The head of state of the Michigan Savings Bank, as an example, forecasted...

Hubble Catches the Final Acts of a Monster Star

Credit: ESA/Hubble and NASA, A. Nota, C. BrittThe Cosmic Rivalry: AG Carinae's Nebula and the Battle of Gravity and RadiationThis contrasting view shows blowing dust bubbles and an emerging gas shell-- the last acts of a monster star. You can check out the information of the nebula bordering the star AG Carinae in the...