Author - Vicentina Inácio

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Has Taken the First Steps in Decades-long Dream of Mars Sample Return

Perseverance rover. Credit: NASANASA's Perseverance wanderer on Mars has started its perfect rock collection.Perseverance Rover Achieves Historic Milestone: Successful Martian Rock Core CollectionThe wanderer, which was created to search for indications of ancient life on Mars and package up product for a future sample-return goal, made its first two effective tasting maneuvers on Monday...

What Developed the Strange Titanic Troughs on Asteroid Vesta New Theory Proposed

In this image, we see the asteroid Vesta. Credit: NASA and JPLThe troughs on Vesta have long been a topic of scientific speculationThe asteroid Vesta is the second biggest asteroid in our planetary system. With a size of 330 miles, it orbits the sunlight between the planets Mars and Jupiter.Asteroids have lengthily figured in...

Venera Timeline: The Soviet Union’s Venus Goals in Photos

Learn everything about the Venera missions, which were introduced between 1961 and 1983.Credit: NASACredit: NASACredit: BonhamsCredit: Detlev Van RavenswaayCredit: RoscosmosCredit: RoscosmosCredit: NASACredit: RoscosmosCredit: RoscosmosCredit: RoscosmosCredit: RoscosmosCredit: RoscosmosCredit: RoscosmosOf the 30 space missions to efficiently zip or orbit Venus to date, more than one-third belonged to the previous Soviet Union's Venera collection of robot probes.Released...

Jupiter’s Energy Crisis Solved by Global Observatories

In this image, Jupiter is shown in visible light for context underneath an artistic impression of the Jovian upper atmosphere’s infrared glow. The brightness of this upper atmosphere layer corresponds to temperatures, from hot to cold, in this order: white, yellow, bright red and lastly, dark red. The aurorae are the hottest regions and...

NASA’s Bold Plan: Intentional Spacecraft Collision with Asteroid

NASA Wishes to Intentionally Smash a Spacecraft Right into an Asteroid.If the dinosaurs had a space program, it would undoubtedly have been a bad oneThey did not, but some may claim a room program that cannot protect it people from space-based risks, like colossal asteroids, was not that terrific, after all. According to a...

We Ultimately Know When Our Milky Way Will Crash Into the Andromeda Galaxy

Our Galaxy galaxy will undoubtedly endure in its present kind of bit longer than some astronomers had believed, a new research study suggests.A view of the Andromeda galaxy, also known as M31, with measurements of the motions of stars within the galaxy. This spiral galaxy is the nearest large neighbor of our Milky Way. (Image...

Unusual, Duplicating Radio Signal Near the Facility of the Galaxy Has Scientists Puzzled

It is not a quick radio ruptured, a pulsar, or low-mass celebrity. So what in the paradises is it?Astronomers have spotted an unusual, repeating radio signal near the facility of the Milky Way, and also it differs from any other energy signature ever studied.The center of the Milky Way, as seen by NASA's Chandra,...

Research Suggests That Our Galaxy Isn’t Very Homogenous

An artist's depiction of pristine gas (shown in magenta) in the Milky Way. Credit: UNIGE/Dr. Mark A. GarlickOur galaxy is not as extensively blended as scientists occasionally think, according to brand-new research.That brand-new study mainly focuses on the distribution of what astronomers consider steels-- which is genuinely just every component besides hydrogen and helium, even...

China’s Dark Matter Particle Explorer Releases New Information to Help Search for Dark Matter

Scientists launched the first set of gamma photon data gotten by the Dark Matter Bit Traveler.Credit: DAMPE CollaborationIn Might of 2021, China's Dark Issue Bit Explorer (DAMPE) Collaboration directly observed a spooky softening of helium centers concerning 34TeV for the very first time. Now, we have extra excellent information from the satellite-based telescope.China Daily...

Cold Planets Exist Throughout the Galaxy– in the Galactic Lump

An artist’s conception of cold planet distribution throughout the Milky Way. For comparison, the cyan cone is the Kepler transit survey field. The inset shows an artistic conception of a planetary system in the Galactic bulge. Credit: Osaka UniversityCold Planets Exist Throughout the Galaxy-- in the Galactic LumpResearchers led by Osaka University and NASA...