Biological Therapy for Damaged Teeth

Biological Therapy for Damaged Teeth


Regenerative Dentistry Discovery: Biological Therapy for Damaged Teeth

New information on the cellular composition and the growth of teeth can accelerate developments in regenerative dentistry– a biological therapy for damaged teeth– along with treating tooth sensitivity. The research, which scientists at Karolinska Institutet conducted, is published in Nature Communications.

Teeth develop with a complicated process in which soft tissue, connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels are bonded with three sorts of tough tissue right into an active body part. As an explanatory model for this process, researchers usually use the mouse incisor, which grows continuously and is restored throughout the animal’s life.

Decoding Tooth Development: Unveiling Cellular Dynamics and Tooth Sensitivity

Although the rodent incisor has typically been examined in a developmental context, many essential concerns regarding the numerous tooth cells, stem cells, and their differentiation and cellular dynamics stay to be answered.

Making use of a single-cell RNA sequencing method and genetic tracing, scientists at Karolinska Institutet, the Medical University of Vienna in Austria, and Harvard University in the USA have currently found and characterized all cell populations in mice teeth as well as in the young growth as well as adult human teeth.

” From stem cells to the completely differentiated adult cells, we could decode the differentiation pathways of odontoblasts, which generate dentine– the tough tissue closest to the pulp– and also ameloblasts, which trigger the enamel,” said the research’s last writer Igor Adameyko at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, and co-author Kaj Fried at the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. “We likewise discovered new cell types and also cell layers in teeth that can have a part to play in tooth sensitivity.”

Unveiling the Mysteries of Tooth Development: Implications for Regenerative Dentistry

Several of the finds can likewise clarify particular complicated aspects of the immune system in teeth, and also others shed new light on the formation of tooth enamel, the most rigid tissue in our bodies.

” We wish and also think that our work can form the basis of new approaches to tomorrow’s dental care. Specifically, it can speed up the quickly growing field of regenerative dental care, a biological therapy for changing damaged or lost tissue.”

The outcomes have been made publicly available in the form of searchable interactive straightforward atlases of mice and human teeth. The scientists think that the results should prove a helpful resource for dental biologists and scientists thinking about growth and regenerative biology in general.

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Reference: “Dental cell type atlas reveals stem and differentiated cell types in mouse and human teeth” by Jan Krivanek, Ruslan Soldatov, Maria Kastriti, Tatiana Chontorotzea, Anna Herdina, Julian Petersen, Bara Szarowska, Marie Sulcova, Veronika Kovar Matejova, Lydie Izakovicova Holla, Ulrike Kuchler, Ivana Vidovic Zdrilic, Anushree Vijaykumar, Anamaria Balic, Pauline Marangoni, Ophir Klein, Vitor C.M. Neves, Val Yianni, Paul Sharpe, Tibor Harkany, Brian D. Metscher, Marc Bajenoff, Mina Mina, Kaj Fried, Peter Kharchenko and Igor Adameyko, 23 September 2020 Nature Communications.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-18512-7

The study was funded by a European Research Grant, EMBO, the Bertil Hallsten Research Foundation, the Swedish Research Council, the Åke Wiberg Foundation, Masaryk University, a European Research Grant, the National Institute of Health, the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research and MEYS CR.

Peter V. Kharchenko is a member of Celsius Therapeutics’ research council. No other conflicts of interest have been declared.

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